A growing family needs a doctor who knows their children and cares for them like her own.


Dr. Ali Kopelman

M.D., I.B.C.L.C., F.A.A.P., F.M.A.A.P

Some things just can’t wait: my DPC practice provides the highest quality of care when it is most needed. I am also committed to taking the time to keep children healthy, by providing education about wellness, nutrition, and development. I want parents to sleep at night, knowing that their children are healthy — secure in the knowledge that if something comes up, they know who to call. And yes, if you call in the middle of the night because you are worried about your sick child, I will answer the phone!

Direct Pediatric Care:

A revolutionary return to medicine the way it is meant to be. A growing, nationwide movement: subscription based medicine means that your child’s health is the only thing that matters. For less than the price spent on a cup of coffee each day, you get high quality, highly accessible medical care directly from your doctor. There are no insurance companies dictating care.

The opportunity to have all of your infant’s needs medical needs met from the cocoon of your own home. A family’s well being matters — and Personalized Pediatrics of Maine is here to help support you during the intense, exhausting transition. Dr. Kopelman is the only pediatrician in Maine who is also certified as an International Board Certified Lactation Counselor — which means all newborn and breastfeeding needs can be met in one place — your own home!


Personalized Pediatrics of Maine brings Lactation Support to your home.

Personalized Pediatrics of Maine supports each family’s decision of how to feed their baby — breast or bottle. However, there is an increasing need for time-sensitive, crucial support and education that comes with first time breastfeeding. As the only Pediatrician certified as a Lactation Counselor in Southern Maine, I provide comprehensive care to the mother-child unit to optimize breastfeeding success. Lactation services covers a wide range of topics and needs, from a Lactation Consultation to a Complete Three Month Lactation Package. In addition, if a baby is functionally tongue-tied, I have the ability to perform a Tongue Tie Release in the office.

A Hub for the New Family

Personalized Pediatrics of Maine is dedicated to meeting the needs of new families by offering multiple, essential resources in one location.


In need of breastfeeding support? Dr. Kopelman is a lactation counselor.

In need of breast milk? PPM is a donor milk dispensary for the community, allowing local families to obtain pasteurized donor human milk — donor milk bridges the gap for families, supporting exclusive breast milk as maternal supply becomes established.

Do you have a jaundiced, healthy newborn facing re-hospitalization? PPM is the only site in Maine offering access to in-home phototherapy options. Although in-home treatment has been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics since 2004, only now can family access the resources to avoid unnecessary re-hospitalizations.