Let Them Play! Covid and Outdoor Play


One of the most frequent questions I have been asked as a pediatrician this year is, “Is it possible for my children to play with other kids?”

The CDC describes three primary risks for transmission of covid-19:

  • Proximity - was the other person withing six feet?

  • Duration - Was the cumulative contact greater than 15 minutes?

  • Setting - Was the setting indoors/outdoors/ventilated/non-ventilated?

The greatest risk of becoming infected with covid-19 occurs if you are less than 6 feet from an infected person, for more than 15 minutes and in an enclosed/non-ventilated location. The more exposure (the greater the quantity of virus) you get, the more likely you are to become infected (whether you feel sick or not).

Studies have shown that in-school learning, when recommended precautions have been taken, does not represent a high risk for becoming infected with and/or spreading COVID-19.

Although I haven’t found any specific research on the risks of transmission for kids playing outside (ie, running around, playing tag, throwing balls, having brief close interactions) — outside play does meet all of the CDC’s recommendations when the following guidelines are followed:

  • Try to stay socially distanced

  • Wear masks

  • Sanitize hands for at least 20 seconds before and after play

  • No snacking/eating/sharing food during play time.

    Kids should be isolated if they are sick, have been diagnosed with covid-19 within the past two weeks or have been exposed to someone with or suspected of having covid-19.

    My recommendation, based on existing data/research and recommendations by the CDC, is that outdoor play is an acceptable risk when reasonable precautions are taken. Be smart about it - limit the number of kids (stay within your “pod” if possible), have everyone wear a mask, sanitize hands appropriately and PLAY!

Personalized Pediatrics of Maine strives to be the best Pediatric office in the state of Maine!

Link to CDC guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/children.html

Link to research on COVID and schools: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7004e3.htm


New CDC Guidelines: DOUBLE MASK


Guidelines: Return to Play after having had COVID 19