
Guidelines: Return to Play after having had COVID 19
Unfortunately, there is evidence that COVID 19 can cause heart and circulatory problems in children. As a result, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has come up with guidelines for allowing COVID+ children to return to sports. Note: these guidelines only apply to children 12 and up. Younger children can self-regulate their return to play.

Inquiring Minds: Children and the Covid Vaccine: Updated again!
What’s up with the COVID vaccine and children? When will the pediatric population be immunized? The short answer is: not soon. There is a chance that children over 12 might start to get vaccinated in the next six months; children under 12 are unlikely to have that opportunity before 2022. This is a brief overview of why…

Dogs: A guide to prevent our best friends from harming us!
There are over 45 million dog owners in the United States with over 63 million dogs (and these numbers are pre-pandemic!). Each year, there are over 4.7 million dog bites. About 350,000 children end up in the emergency room from dog bites. While dogs can spread similar diseases to cats, their bites do the real damage.

Does my child need antibiotics for an ear infection?
The CDC estimates that 30% of antibiotics are not needed!

Children and Pets: CATS
Cats are amazing, fuzzy, cuddly spitfires that are great critter companions. Approximately 36% of U.S. households own cats. Kittens are especially cute and often lugged around by doting children. But these purring felines can be a reservoir of plagues (literally and figuratively).

Nutrition in Toddlers: The basics on introducing solids (when, what, why, etc.)
The transition from infant-into-toddler nutrition is a HUGE topic — and can seem overwhelming to new parents. The internet is filled with conflicting DOS and DON’TS. With that in mind, I have tried to distill a few nuggets (no pun intended) of key information. As always, don’t panic and remember that there are many different paths to achieving healthy eating goals.

When does a Pediatrician worry?
As a new parent, it is important to remember that every experience is new (obviously!) — new parents should have lots of questions (every one of them legitimate)! One of the most important questions is, “When should I be worried?”
Why I choose DPC medicine - Part II — The What, the Why and the How of DPC
What is Direct Primary Care (DPC) medicine? I had never heard of it before this past August. It can hard to wrap your head it — took me a while. Briefly, it is a revolutionary, new way of providing medical care, that has grown exponentially over the last decade.

Why I choose DPC medicine - Part I
Typically, I hate to talk about myself. However, I think it’s important to explain how I got here, opening a Direct Primary Care Pediatric office. My journey speaks to the type of patient care and relationships that are at the core of my personal values, and why I became a doctor.

Babies and Sleep (or lack thereof)…
Warning: this is a blog only for parents who have struggled with a non-sleeping baby. This provides a springboard to help.

Breastfeeding — a light-hearted approach to SUCCESS!
A true understanding of the pathway to breastfeeding success….